Spring Update

At the end of our March 8 retreat four members of the sangha underwent the jukai ceremony and received Buddhist names:

Theodora F. now is called Eigetsu, Susanne F. is Myotai, Sevn M. is Hogen, and Max P. is Genki. Congratulations to our friends to formalize their comittment to the group.

Eigetsu participated in the Puerto Rico Dai-sesshin with Joshu Roshi. Myotai went with the vice-abbess and the abbot to participate in Roshi’s birthday Dai-sesshin at Rinzai-ji in Los Angeles.

Joshu Roshi, now walking his 102nd year, is in good health and will give a full Kessei at Bodhi Manda Zen Center, followed by a full Summer Seichu schedule at Mt. Baldy Zen Center.

Please make sure you mark down the last retreat before the summer, which is on the weekend of May 31, June 1st. The usual schedule, Monday, Wednesday evenings, and Sunday mornings will continue until the summer schedule is announced.

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